Patterns For Good

Patterns For Good

If you're like me you're feeling scared & uncertain. I wanted to do a little good while creating something for you to enjoy.  I designed a Free Pattern Download with a suggested donation of $5 -10 to a local charity, business or an organization of your choice. Something that directly benefits your community would be great! The PDF (below) includes a set of six simple, bold and fun to stitch up patterns with instructions and suggested tools and materials. 

I’m not policing the downloads or checking on the status of your donations. I'll take it on faith that we both understand the exchange. BUT here's the deal...

  • Once you’ve downloaded the pattern & made your donation. I’d love for you to share your work in progress or finished pieces tagging me & the place you donated to. My hope is that this will help spread awareness. 

The donations can be non-monetary as well. I know a lot of people are hurting right now and may not have the means. My neighbors started a text chain to check in on each other and someone offered to give potting soil to anyone who needed it. Pay it forward - check in on a neighbor, write a letter to a loved one, help out a local teacher or health care professional. My friends at Top Stitch A Gathering of Stitches and Fancy Tiger are using their sewing skills to make masks for health care workers - amazing work! These little spots of good really brighten my mood and hopefully do some good. That's what I'm hoping we do here, too!

I'll be doing some live stitching and sharing more organizations I'm supporting over the next week on Instagram. If you have any questions about how to get started, pattern transferring, etc. let me know and I'll try to address it in my posts. 

Thank you for participating! You can download the Patterns For Good here. 


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What an awesome idea! The veteran’s food bank here requires a lot of help.

Julie Mirdoch

Thanks for the patterns

Dawn Barton

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